Title: Summer of ’85 (2020)
Genres: Drama, Romance
Description: What do you dream of when you’re 16 years old and in a seaside resort in Normandy in the 1980s? A best friend? A lifelong teen pact? Scooting off on adventures on a boat or a motorbike? Living life at breakneck speed? No. You dream of death. Because you can’t get a bigger kick than dying. And that’s why you save it till the very end. The summer holidays are just beginning, and this story recounts how Alexis grew into himself.
Director: François Ozon
Writer: Aidan Chambers, François Ozon
Actors: Félix Lefebvre, Benjamin Voisin, Philippine Velge
Rating: 6.9
Vote: 8050
Runtime: 101 min
Language: French
FileSize: 1.79 GB