Bad Boy Street (2012) French (English Subtitle)

Title: Bad Boy Street (2012)
Genres: Drama, Romance
Description: Frenchman Claude (Yann De Monterno) had a bad relationship in USA ages ago; that’s why he came back to France. One early dawn as he is walking towards his home, he sees a drunken American lying on the pavement. Claude takes him to his home because there was no way to identify the Young American. When they have a chance to talk, the young American’s name is Brad (Kevin Miranda). That chance meeting leads to their relationship but Brad seems an enigma, seeming aloof even to Claude’s BFF Catherine (Florence D’ Azemar). Things get worse on the day of Claude’s birthday, when a group of friends surprise him at his home; one recognizes Brad. Will Claude and Brad have the chance for a long term relationship?
Director: Todd Verow
Writer: Jim Dwyer, Kevin Miranda, Todd Verow
Actors: Yann de Monterno, Florence d’Azémar, Kevin Miranda
Rating: 6.0
Votes: 1111
Rated: Unrated
Runtime: 80 min
Language: English, French

FileSize: 372.06 MB



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