The Morning After (2012) (Short Film)

Title: The Morning After (2012)
Genres: Short, Drama, Romance
Description: The Morning After a drunken night out Harry’s (Joshua Berg) world is turned upside down when as he awakens to discover a naked man, Thom (Luke Striffler), in his bed. stunned and confused he tries to make sense of his repressed desires. In an attempt to re-assert his heterosexuality he revisits an old lover, Lucy (Juliet Lundholm), but finds little comfort from the encounter. Harry is left to make a decision: to follow his set path and return to his doting girlfriend Jess (Jane Alice), or attempt to understand his own wants and desires…
Director: Bruno Collins
Writer: Bruno Collins
Actors: Joshua Berg, Luke Striffler, Juliet Lundholm
Rating: 5.7
Votes: 156
Rated: NA
Runtime: 15 min
Language: English

FileSize: 190.26 MB



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